Friday, 28 June 2013

Life Breath of Half the World

Check out some sensational images from India and the impact of the month of rain

First Android ILC announced

Samsung Electronics has once again stolen a lead on the Japanese camera companies by announcing the world’s first interchangeable lens camera / Android / 4G device in the form of the Samsung Galaxy NX.

Go here for full story 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

A real Blast from the Past

For a 'blast from the past', one of club members has posted a video on YouTube he and Jean-Claude made on the 2005 Moonee Valley Festival.  Very interesting.
Go to:

Thanks Mr Scully

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Full moon over Wellington, NZ...

Here is something a bit random, but none-the-less astounding. A photographer captured what is, to me, one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen filmed. It is a 3 minute video clip of the full moon rising over Wellington.

The camera was placed on a hillside over 2 kilometres from the Lookout point.  The amount of planning, trial and error, and luck that went into this are mind blowing. He has been trying to capture this for over a year with many failed attempts. But it seems everything was on his side, and it all came together in a way even he couldn't have hoped.

Don't waste it on an iphone screen.

Hat tip to Clem for the information

Monday, 22 April 2013

Some potential opportunities for images before our September set subject:

Sunday 19 May Gisborne Steam & Machine Rally including Tractor Pull
Sunday 2 June: Classic Car Rally at Bendigo Showgrounds
Sunday 25 August Marong Classic Car Picnic

Thanks to the McCarry Family for the tip.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Classic Car Show Case - Flemington Race Course

As mentioned at our recent meeting, the RACV-AOMC Classic Showcase 2013 is being held at the Flemington Racecourse on 21 April 2013 

Address:    Flemington Racecourse Carpark  (Melway 28G12)
                                Spectators from 10 am

Flyer Classic Showcase 2013  

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Keilor Rotary Club Car Show Sunday May 5th 2013

Members will note that our September 2013 Set Subject is Old Vehicles (prior to 1980).  An opportunity to grab some images will occur in May 2013 at the Keilor Rotary Club Car Show (click name for details) on Sunday 5 May 2013.

Images from previous shows can be found at the link above.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Images on our website updated

Images from the club outing to Lavadula have been added to the club's home page.  

Check them out here