Thursday, 20 September 2012

Photokina is on again!

Photokina, which according to their web site, 
every two years there is one focal point in the sector: photokina, the world’s leading imaging fair. photokina brings together the industry, trade, professional users and end consumers with a passion for photography — in a way no other event can match. Be sure you don’t miss the world’s most important platform for placing orders, gathering information and enjoying exciting experiences — from September 18 to 23, 2012 in Cologne.
Go to Photokina to see what your camera maker has in store for you.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Changes to Contest Server

A note for members:

There has been an update on the website so it is slightly different. If you get any questions about it feel free to forward them to Adrian. Check the site, it's only a small change with the upload options and shouldn't cause too many problems.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Mega-ship is on its way to Melbourne

We have received notice from our friends at the Lighthouse Photo Group, Queenscliff that a very large ship will make its way through the port and to Williamstown in October.

Newspaper article link is here.  An excerpt follows:
The amphibious ship will be the largest ever made for the Australian fleet.  After the first stage was built in Spain, it is on its way to Melbourne to be completed.  The  hull of the 230-metre long ship left a Spanish shipyard on the weekend aboard the heavy-lift ship Blue Marlin for its 49-day journey to Port Phillip Bay. It is the first of two Landing Helicopter Dock ships being built at a cost of $3 billion. Defence Materiel Minister Jason Clare said when it arrives it will go to the  Williamstown dockyard where the superstructure will be put together and the critical and complex combat, communications and navigation systems installed.
Once exact dates are known, we will post them.

Monday, 10 September 2012

44th Ballarat National

Ballarat Camera Club is hosting its 44th National Competition.  Entries close 25 October.  Click here to go the competition page.

Eureka Skydeck Photo Competition

For those interested and hooked in electronically, the Eureka Skydeck is running a competition for images to include in their 2013 calendar.  Go here for further details.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Lee Filters - Masters of Light

Recently several members were discussing filters for our lenses when they mentioned Lee Filters.

Lee Filters are hand made and according to one of our members they are the Rolls Royce of filters (and cost accordingly).  In the words of Lee Filters:

Our reputation has been built on the fact that every filter that leaves the factory has been individually handmade and inspected by one of our technicians, who ensure it meets our exacting standards.

Anything that will compromise picture quality is simply not an option.

The following link will take you to a video of how these filters are made:

Thanks to Adrian T for the link.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

500 px - The World's Best Pictures

Are you looking for inspiration, ideas, or just images to admire and go - wow!  Yes!  Then got to the 500 px website and admire the images.  

You can also join and upload your own contributions.  If you do, and get some posted, let us know so we can post about it.
Welcome and thanks for dropping in to our blog.  The club is currently updating its information and services to be provided on this blog.  We will resume posting in the very near future.  Until then, visit us at
