Friday, 14 September 2012

Mega-ship is on its way to Melbourne

We have received notice from our friends at the Lighthouse Photo Group, Queenscliff that a very large ship will make its way through the port and to Williamstown in October.

Newspaper article link is here.  An excerpt follows:
The amphibious ship will be the largest ever made for the Australian fleet.  After the first stage was built in Spain, it is on its way to Melbourne to be completed.  The  hull of the 230-metre long ship left a Spanish shipyard on the weekend aboard the heavy-lift ship Blue Marlin for its 49-day journey to Port Phillip Bay. It is the first of two Landing Helicopter Dock ships being built at a cost of $3 billion. Defence Materiel Minister Jason Clare said when it arrives it will go to the  Williamstown dockyard where the superstructure will be put together and the critical and complex combat, communications and navigation systems installed.
Once exact dates are known, we will post them.

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