Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Revamp Time

As you will have noticed this blog has been inactive for more than six months. We haven't abandoned it and forgot to take the link off the website, just no-one has had the time to dedicate to this blog. 
Our club is run by volunteers who wish to see it thrive, these being people with jobs and families. We hope this to been a source of inspiration and helpful information, in order to give you useful information time searching and researching must be spent as no-one is a encyclopedia on all things photography. 
I have taken over this blog for the club as I have the spare time for it. So I have re-done the layout and hope to post at least once a week from here on out. The posts will include links to any helpful videos, photography related events or club news as it comes up. Do go back through the old posts as I am sure there will be something interesting to find. 
Questions and comments are welcome!  I'll do my best to answer questions and if I don't know I ask someone who does. 


1 comment:

  1. Well done Alix. Thanks for taking the initiative. Looking forward to reading.


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If you see something inappropriate, comments or postings, that you believe does not reflect the ethos of the Essendon Camera Club and the amateur photography movement in general; please contact the club through the Editor.