Sunday, 6 April 2014

Moonee Valley Urban Ecology Photo Competition

There hasn't been a post in two weeks but my right wrist has been injured making typing really difficult.
I received an email Tuesday telling me that information on the photography competition we are helping run is up on the councils website. If you live in the area of Moonee Valley it would be an awesome opportunity to have your photo viewed and compared with your peers. All photos must be taken within Moonee Valley and there are four themes that you can enter in they are Backyards, Parks and Reserves, Water and Waterways, and Streetscapes. 
Our club will be run a workshop on Saturday the 10th of May 2014. It will cover Three elements of a good photo, Getting the best out of your camera, and Composition.
For any more information visit the Council website link here:

Alix Basham

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